Meeting title customize

video meeting windows show title zoom in connecting state and in meeting state it shows zoom meeting.
how can i change the window title.
i am using windows c++ sdk

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'start meeting ’
  2. Click on ‘…’
  3. Scroll down to ‘…’
  4. See error


Hi @mailforfaiz,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. If you would like to change the window title, please refer to the following implementation:

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::ICustomizedResourceHelper* pCustomizeResHelper = NULL;
if(&pCustomizeResHelper && NULL != pCustomizeResHelper)
 std::wstring newTitle = _T("Customized New Title");
pCustomizeResHelper->AddCustomizedStringResource(ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDK_Customized_Title_App, newTitle.c_str());

Please note that this must be called before calling the initSDK. Hope this helps. Thanks!

Thanks for quick reply it is working but after meeting status change connecting to in meeting title update with appending meeting after my title.
Please help how can i remove meeting from my title

please check . what is the solution for this issue

Hi @mailforfaiz,

Thanks for the reply. I have confirmed with the engineering team, the term “Meeting” is by design so only the front part is customizable.


Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for the reply. Then I will go ahead and close this thread. Please feel free to create another post if any other questions. :slight_smile: