Meeting.update uuid changes upon meeting updates

Hi guys we are storing changes in zoom meetings by processing Zoom webhooks.
The issue we are facing now is, when receiving a meeting.update event we sometimes get a new uuid.

This in itself is not a problem as you guys send both object and old_object structure but what we think it may be a bug is that in bot structures the uuid is the same.
Thus no reference to the old one, thus no way for us to properly update.

Here is an example of the event we received:

“event”: “meeting.updated”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “d0OGyjqFRWiWUQcjY9-QKg”,
“operator”: “”,
“operator_id”: “ZQFiB7I0RruYJHHRuYfLRQ”,
“object”: {
“uuid”: “FB33EgChQ+eXDUWhF9y0/w==”,
“id”: 85657618472,
“agenda”: “”,
“settings”: {
“enforce_login”: false,
“meeting_authentication”: false,
“authentication_option”: “”,
“authentication_name”: “”
“old_object”: {
“uuid”: “FB33EgChQ+eXDUWhF9y0/w==”,
“id”: 85657618472,
“agenda”: “”,
“settings”: {
“enforce_login”: true,
“meeting_authentication”: true,
“authentication_option”: “signIn_d0OGyjqFRWiWUQcjY9-QKg”,
“authentication_name”: “Sign in to Zoom”
“time_stamp”: 1667499428599
“event_ts”: 1667499428599

The original uuid we received was: T7HhQtJlT/WN5lRsGbDh8w==
The new one as you can se is: FB33EgChQ+eXDUWhF9y0/w==
This new uuid is the same in bot object and old_object

After meeting.update webhook, any new incoming message had the new uuid FB33EgChQ+eXDUWhF9y0/w==

Is it possible this is a bug on your end when serializing the payload?
If not is there a work around this mismatch ?

Cheers, Damian.