UUIDs in Past Meeting Poll Result and Meetings API resources are different

The UUIDs of the same meeting are different in the responses of the following API resources:

  • GET /meetings/:meetingId
  • GET /past_meetings/:meetingId/polls or GET /report/meetings/:meetingId/polls

Webinar-related API resources suffer from the same problem:

  • GET /webinars/:webinarId
  • GET /past_webinars/:webinarId/polls or GET /report/webinars/:webinarId/polls

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

  • GET /meetings/:meetingId
  • GET /past_meetings/:meetingId/polls
  • GET /report/meetings/:meetingId/polls
  • GET /webinars/:webinarId
  • GET /past_webinars/:webinarId/polls
  • GET /report/webinars/:webinarId/polls

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new Meeting with a Poll. Let’s say its Meeting ID in a long format is 12345
  2. Start a meeting, run a poll, take poll results, end the meeting.
  3. Retrieve the meeting via GET /meetings/12345 and memorize the UUID from the response.
  4. Retrieve the meeting poll result via GET /past_meetings/12345/polls and memorize the UUID from the response.
  5. Retrieve the meeting poll result via GET /report/meetings/12345/polls and memorize the UUID from the response.
  6. Compare the UUIDs from steps 3, 4, and 5. The UUID from step 3 would differ from the ones from steps 4 and 5.

Additional context
This fact makes impossible to retrieve Meeting Poll Result by the UUID of a Meeting which you can get from a response of GET /meetings/:meetingId resource. However, the description of the meetingId path parameter in the documentation states that it should be possible to use both Meeting ID or Meeting UUID:

The same problem exists for Webinars.

Hey @valmaev,

This is the expected behavior. The Meeting and Webinar UUID changes once the meeting / webinar has been started.

You must use the updated meeting / webinar uuid to call any past meeting / webinar endpoints like Get Meeting Poll results endpoint.

Let me know if that answers your question! :slight_smile:


Hi @tommy,

Thanks for your reply. Here’s my feedback and additional questions.

Changing the identity of a thing after it’s changed its state is REALLY weird and counterintuitive :frowning: And the documentation is just silent about this fact.

How could I know about the fact that the UUIDs were changed after the meeting is over? How could I know that two UUIDs are related to the same meeting? Am I missing something?


Hey @valmaev,

Thanks for your feedback, we are going to make this more clear in our docs. :slight_smile:

You can get the latest UUIDs from the reports, dashboard, past meeting instances endpoints, or the meeting webhooks.

CC @michael.zoom, @shrijana.g.


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