/meetings/{meetingId}/recordings return "Audio only(Shared Content)" in participant_audio_files key


GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings

When I tried to get meeting’s recordings using GET /meetings/{meetingId}/recordings and get audio files of each meeting participant, I got the following response (excerpt).

    "uuid": "meeting_id",
    "id": 1234567890,
    "participant_audio_files": [
            "id": "uuid",
            "recording_start": "2022-09-09T00:10:30Z",
            "recording_end": "2022-09-09T01:55:36Z",
            "file_name": "Audio only - Name",
            "file_type": "M4A",
            "id": "uuid",
            "recording_start": "2022-09-09T00:10:30Z",
            "recording_end": "2022-09-09T01:55:36Z",
            "file_name": "Audio only(Shared Content) - Name",
            "file_type": "M4A",

There is “Audio only(Shared Content) - Name” as the value of the “file_name” key in “participant_audio_files”. What is an audio file for “file_name” containing “(Shared Content)”? And also what are the conditions or situations for how a user attend zoom meeting when this audio file and this json object are created?


Hi @yuyaito

Welcome to our Zoom Developer Forum and thank you for reaching out! I am happy to help here!
Could you please elaborate on your questions a little bit more? I do not quite understand what you are asking

Thanks so much

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thank you for your reply. And I am sorry I didn’t explain it clearly enough.

I want to know what a audio file named "Audio only(Shared Content) - " is.
I checked each audio file. The audio file named "Audio only - " contains voice of participant actually. But the audio file named "Audio only(Shared Content) - " does not contain voice of participant. It is silent.
Does the audio file contains voice in any cases? And if the audio file contains voice in any cases, I want to know the cases.

Thank you.

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