meetingsdk-headless-linux-sample support for ol8

Hi Team, We are using the meetingsdk-headless-linux-sample developed for adding a bot into our zoom meeting and do some activities but recently we got direction to move to OL8 from ubuntu for all docker images , I tried to migrate the dockerfile but we are not seeing few equivalent libraries in the ol8 among the used ones , Could you please help us on the same

@tarunkamineni we currently do not officially support other distros other than the ones stated. You might need to test it out from your end

Hey @tarunkamineni, what are the libraries you’re not seeing?

We run the Zoom Linux SDK at large scale, and we’ve observed that it can work well even if dependency versions are different from the ones in the example dockerfile.

We’ve also had success building dependencies from source if they’re not included with the distribution by default.

Another alternative is to use the API for your meeting bots instead.
It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots. Because it’s a REST API, you can use it no matter what environment your code runs in.

Let me know if you have any questions!

authentication failed because the JWT is invalid
Can someone help me fix this?

@chunsiong.zoom Any updates here?

@amanda-recallai could you share a sample of the JWT token here?

please check client id and clent secret @harsh5

Hey @chunsiong.zoom, thanks for tagging me and happy to help!

In terms of the JWT being invalid, this is an error we commonly see. The JWT code in the sample code is correct, and typically we see this error occur when:

  1. The Client ID or Client Secret contain a typo, or are switched around
  2. The Client ID or Client Secret are mismatched. E.g. the Production Client ID is used with the Development Client Secret
  3. The Client ID and Client Secret are of the wrong app type, or do not have the Meeting SDK feature enabled.

@harsh5 @sigireddybalasai We’d be happy to help you debug this directly – feel free to reach out to if this is something you’d be interested in.

@amanda-recallai After Lot of effort we are able to get equivalent packages for ol8 and arm64 architecture but then the is not being supported

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /tmp/meeting-sdk-linux-sample/lib/zoomsdk/ when searching for -lmeetingsdk
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmeetingsdk

Is meeting sdk is supported by OL8 and arm64 processor or not

@tarunkamineni, I didn’t realize you were on arm64 – I believe the Zoom Linux SDK is complied for x86/x64 only.

Could you try running objdump -f /tmp/meeting-sdk-linux-sample/lib/zoomsdk/ to see what architecture it reports?

sh-4.4# objdump -f /tmp/meeting-sdk-linux-sample/lib/zoomsdk/
/tmp/meeting-sdk-linux-sample/lib/zoomsdk/     file format elf64-x86-64
architecture: i386:x86-64, flags 0x00000150:
start address 0x000000000226e000

If you have any zoom linux sdk compiled for arm could you please share that

@tarunkamineni Zoom Linux SDK is not support on ARM64.

Please tag me for response