Message the Hoat

Is there a way to DM or ping the Host if a participant is in a waiting room?

context: my implementation is a web Meeting that is used primarily to give tech support through video calls,
but if the meeting hasn’t started the host doesn’t know if someone entered the call. we could keep the mmeting going on for several hours in that case the host will recieve a ping asking to allow a participant in, but that’s because the host is on the meeting

@axel.ojeda ,

Yes, it is possible to send in-meeting messages with Web SDK. In component and client you can send private chat messages to meeting participants with the following methods:

In the Web Meeting SDK Component View, a developer can send chat:

In the Web Meeting SDK Client View, a developer can send chat:

Alternatively, you can listen for Webhooks and implement your own method of notifying the host if a participant is in a waiting room:

Using webhooks

Using WebSockets

Create a Webhook-only app

POST meeting.started

POST meeting.participant_joined_waiting_room

POST meeting.chat_message_sent

Let us know if this helps or if you have any questions.

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