Missing camera on / off control when using js client sdk

Hi @omazinov,

What version of the WebSDK are you using and what browser(version)?


Hi @michael_p.zoom,
The version of sdk we use is 1.4.2, browser Chrome 74.0.3729.157 (64-bit)

Hi @omazinov.

Would you be able to share a snippet of your init Zoom.init method? You should have isSupportAV: true, within it.


Hi @michael_p.zoom
Yes, I have isSupportAV set to true:

      leaveUrl: leaveUrl
      isSupportAV: true
      disableRecord: !record
      success: ->
          meetingNumber: meetingId
          userName: userName
          signature: signature
          apiKey: apiKey
          userEmail: userEmail
          passWord: password
          success: (res) ->
            console.log 'join meeting success'
          error: (res) ->
            { errorMessage } = res
            console.error errorMessage
      error: (res) ->
        { errorMessage } = res
        console.error errorMessage

Hi @omazinov,

Thanks for providing the code snipped, what OS are you using, are you using local or CDN and when do you see any errors displaying when you open up developer tools?
