Mobile SDK supports Xamarin, Ionic, React Native?

Currently Xamarin, Ionic, React Native are one of best choice for mobile app development.

However Zoom mobile sdk does not support those platforms.

I kindly ask you to support those platforms which enables us to develop wonderful apps which includes Zoom

Thanks, Bligin for your feedback. I will funnel this to our SDK team and we will see about fitting it into our release plans. No eta can be promised at this time, though. 


we’d like to go with IONIC

so  Zoom SDK for IONIC is really important for us considering our customers… 



we’d like to go with IONIC

so  Zoom SDK for IONIC is really important for us considering our customers… 


Hi All, Now Zoom SDK do not support those frameworks. Thanks.

We now have Ionic and Electron support:

GREAT NEWS . It will be really helpful for us.

How about React Native support, is it coming already (hopeful)…? :slight_smile:

React Native is way more popular than any other hybrid-framework. In StackOverflow 2019 Developer Survey, under section Other Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools, 10.8% of professional developers had experience with React Native, while Cordova was at 7.1%, Xamarin at 6.5%, and Ionic was not on the list.

Ionic is a great hybrid-framework if you are using Angular, for sure. However, in current day demand in Europe, most of the demand is with React.

So here should be a business reason for you to focus on adding React Native SDK :wink:

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Hi uxengineer,

Thanks for the post and the data. We do not have React Native support at this point. I will pass this info as an improvement request to our engineering team.

Thank you!

I’ve created a react native bridge you can use in the meantime - check it out on github


Hi caapaneth,

Thanks for sharing this. Happy Zooming!

I have created a Xamarin binding for android, iOS behind.

Xamarin.Android.Zoom on nuget

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Thanks for sharing this! :smiley: