MSDK_RawDataDemos broken

@chunsiong.zoom This is your repo, and your examples have been really helpful. This question is particular to GetAudioRawData but your projects all use the same layout.
The current status is that the projects won’t build - they are looking for curl/curl.h and there are no instructions how to properly add C++ curl. As an aside, it looks like the code is looking to fetch a JWT from a webservice, which will be cool)
If I comment out the code in Webservice.cpp and set isJWTWebService = false at the top level, I still get a failure on the SDKError err = audioHelper->subscribe(audio_source); line - the error is SDK_ERR_NOT_JOIN_AUDIO. This is using v5.15.2.18146 of the SDK.
Any suggestions?

@randy ,

Thanks for the headsup. I’ve added some changes which was not committed into the project previously. Each project has their own guide now.

This sample is based on 5.15.7

Curl can be installed using Microsoft’s visual c++ package manager

./vcpkg install curl

The JWT Auth signature is fetched from this sample project GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample: Generate a Meeting SDK JWT to join Zoom meetings and webinars with the Meeting SDK..

To fetch raw audio, you need a couple of things.

  • host permission or local recording permissions
  • join the meeting with audio
  • start rawrecording
  • subscribe to the audio

To join meeting with audio, here are some programmatic ways to do so

Mandatory: Before joining the meeting, set it in the parameters
joinMeetingWithoutLoginParam.isAudioOff = false;

Optional: Here’s an additional parameter to enable auto joining of audio
//set join audio to true

	ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IAudioSettingContext* pAudioContext = settingService->GetAudioSettings();
	if (pAudioContext)

By the way, the project assumes you have running this on a device with soundcard / sound capabilities.
If your device does not have these capabilities, you might need to look at virtual sound devices such as pulseaudio or vb-audio cable

@chunsiong.zoom thank you, the changes helped tremendously. You should also note that the developer needs to add
#include “meeting_service_components/meeting_audio_interface.h”
To meeting_participants_controller.h

And to add
#include <stdint.h>

If I’m running this in a cloud environment to do transcription of audio (for example), why is there a requirement for a sound device? Is there a way to work around that?

Again, thank you for your help!

@randy , for the workaround, you might want to look at virtual sound devices such as pulseaudio or vb-audio cable