MSDK_RawDataDemos/SendVideoRawData can not open VirtualCamera

Meeting SDK Type and Version
Windows 11 (x64)
Windows/ v5.15.10.20873

I try to use MSDK_RawDataDemos/ SendVideoRawData.

After some trying, it can build and Run.
( I also finished run

./vcpkg install opencv[contrib,ffmpeg,nonfree,opengl,openmp,world]

But when I click start VirtualCamera, error occurs below.

[ INFO:0@61.167] global videoio_registry.cpp:244 cv::`anonymous-namespace'::VideoBackendRegistry::VideoBackendRegistry VIDEOIO: Enabled backends(9, sorted by priority): FFMPEG(1000); GSTREAMER(990); INTEL_MFX(980); MSMF(970); DSHOW(960); CV_IMAGES(950); CV_MJPEG(940); UEYE(930); OBSENSOR(920)
warning: Error opening file (C:\Users\myuser\source\vcpkg\buildtrees\opencv4\src\4.8.0-2bf495557d.clean\modules\videoio\src\cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp:1146)
warning: Big_Buck_Bunny_1080_10s_1MB.mp4 (C:\Users\myuser\source\vcpkg\buildtrees\opencv4\src\4.8.0-2bf495557d.clean\modules\videoio\src\cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp:1147)
[ INFO:0@61.187] global backend_plugin.cpp:383 cv::impl::getPluginCandidates Found 2 plugin(s) for GSTREAMER
[ INFO:0@61.188] global plugin_loader.impl.hpp:67 cv::plugin::impl::DynamicLib::libraryLoad load C:\Users\myuser\MSDK_RawDataDemos\SendVideoRawData\x64\Debug\opencv_videoio_gstreamer480_64d.dll => FAILED
[ INFO:0@61.188] global plugin_loader.impl.hpp:67 cv::plugin::impl::DynamicLib::libraryLoad load opencv_videoio_gstreamer480_64d.dll => FAILED
[ INFO:0@61.188] global backend_plugin.cpp:383 cv::impl::getPluginCandidates Found 2 plugin(s) for INTEL_MFX
[ INFO:0@61.189] global plugin_loader.impl.hpp:67 cv::plugin::impl::DynamicLib::libraryLoad load C:\Users\myuser\MSDK_RawDataDemos\SendVideoRawData\x64\Debug\opencv_videoio_intel_mfx480_64d.dll => FAILED
[ INFO:0@61.189] global plugin_loader.impl.hpp:67 cv::plugin::impl::DynamicLib::libraryLoad load opencv_videoio_intel_mfx480_64d.dll => FAILED
[ INFO:0@61.202] global cap_msmf.cpp:1027 CvCapture_MSMF::configureHW MSMF: Using D3D11 video acceleration on GPU device: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
[ INFO:0@61.207] global cap_images.cpp:282 cv::icvExtractPattern Pattern: Big_Buck_Bunny_%04d_10s_1MB.mp4 @ 1080
ERROR! Unable to open camera

I checked below folder

Certainly doesn’t exist below dll

About my research , currently vcpkg install opencv 4.8.0 but above DLL include onlu opencv 4.2.0.
So I make vcpkg.json and set the 4.2.0 but vcpkg list only 4.1, 4.2,, missing 4.2.0.

How can I solve it…?

Do you have any info about it …?


In the newer version of the sample code, the sample app will look at vcpkg’s package folder instead of the c:\users\myuser folder


thanks for response !

But so what do you mean…?

I check C:\Users\myuser folder because of Error log said so.
So I guess current sample code see C:\Users\myuser folder.

I git pull code is last week , so that I guess sample code latest version.

Anyway My Question that I want to solve is…

  • Current sample code work at Latest OpenCV (4.8.0 ) or not ?
  • (If not ) How to solve above error ( opencv_videoio_gstreamer480_64d.dll opencv_videoio_intel_mfx480_64d.dll missing )
  • If current sample code need Old OpenCV , which opencv can work ?

Regards !

@taneichi.takafumi I sort of remember this. I have not dive deep into this yet, but it might be an error which is thrown from FFMPEG libraries

The error message is there, but it doesn’t affect the sending of raw video.


Got it thanks so much.

Would you share result of below command ?
./vcpkg list opencv

@taneichi.takafumi here you go