Multiple Clients under one Zoom marketplace app

My application for which I need to create Zoom Marketplace app runs in 3 different regions ie. the Top level Domain are different.


Can someone guide here if we have any mechanism of adding multiple Client IDs inside one marketplace app configuration? OR would I be needed to create 3 different Market place app supporting each region?

The blocker is to provide single app home url and doing Event Subscriptions(providing single endpoint webhook url).

Should I be creating an additional codebase which would work as a central coordinator between all these regions? Would it be redirecting the requests to the relevant server?

Looking forward for the ideal way to do this.

Thank you

Thanks for reaching out, this is a great question! I think the best solution here is to have a single domain that you use with one Zoom App that is able to coordinate between your separate regions.

In that way, you can use a single Client ID and Client Secret and manage a single app for your various regions. Likewise, if you plan to add additional regions in the future this method would be more scalable than creating, publishing and maintaining separate apps on our store.

I hope that helps!