Necessary procedure to add an Event Subscription to a published Zoom App

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Link the API endpoint(s) and/orZoom API Event(s) you’re working with to help give context.

  • Event Type: User’s profile info has been updated

Details on your question, workflow or the problem you’re trying to solve.
Our service uses an app that has already been published to the Zoom marketplace to provide the ability to retrieve Zoom meeting information.
here is info about the Zoom App:

Some users of our services have already approved to the Zoom App and use the ability to retrieve and manipulate Zoom information.

When adding another Event Subscriptions (Event Types: User’s profile info has been updated) to the above Zoom App,

  • Do We need to resubmit the Zoom App and wait for review? Or can I just edit the Zoom App and publish?
  • Do We need to ask users who have already accepted the Zoom App to accept it again?
  • Will this affect users who have already accepted the Zoom App? For example, will the Zoom Meeting update webhook or the Zoom API temporarily stop working?

not bug

How To Reproduce
not bug

@chunsiong.zoom @elisa.zoom @gianni.zoom @hgeorge
Excuse me, could someone check this for me? :pray:

@kanata.koyama I think this may be what you are looking for: Using webhooks. Looks like you need to revalidate.

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Thank you very much. However, I couldn’t figure it out from this document about revalidation alone. Is the answer to my question at the beginning of this article correct in the following content?

  • Do We need to resubmit the Zoom App and wait for review? Or can I just edit the Zoom App and publish?

→ need to submit and wait for review again

  • Do We need to ask users who have already accepted the Zoom App to accept it again?

→ No. Because the scopes hasn’t changed

  • Will this affect users who have already accepted the Zoom App? For example, will the Zoom Meeting update webhook or the Zoom API temporarily stop working?

→ No.

@kanata.koyama are you the owner of the account or just an admin?

I am the owner of that account and can manage the above Zoom App.
Also, the users (who of course belong to different accounts) have approved the Zoom App as admin user.

@kanata.koyama if your app is a published app on the Zoom Marketplace, resubmit your app for review. After the review is completed, Zoom will re-enable your webhook.

thanks. yes, our app is published on the Zoom Marketplace.

After the review is completed, Zoom will re-enable your webhook.

you mean that we will not be able to use the existing webhook from the time of resubmission until the review is complete?

then I would like to confirm again, the answer to my question at the beginning is correct in the following content, right?

  • Do We need to resubmit the Zoom App and wait for review? Or can I just edit the Zoom App and publish?

→ need to submit and wait for review again

  • Do We need to ask users who have already accepted the Zoom App to accept it again?

→ No. Because the scopes hasn’t changed

  • Will this affect users who have already accepted the Zoom App? For example, will the Zoom Meeting update webhook or the Zoom API temporarily stop working?

→ Yes. Because the existing webhooks will not be available from the time of resubmission until the review is complete.

@kanata.koyama I would put a ticket in directly with Zoom just to make sure.

Okay, I will submit the App and communicate with Zoom in directly.
Thank you for your support so far.