Need don't crop image option in Fully Customized SDK

Need don’t crop image option in Fully Customized SDK.

Feature Problem I am facing:
**Note:**The HD settings for my account are intended to max out at 720p.
I am receiving cropped frames at Decoder side when I send other then 720p resolution frames from Encoder side. Other resolution means: 1080p, 480p etc.
In this I have following cases:
1- If I send more then 720p frames say 1920x1080 from Encoder side then I will received cropped 720p frames at Decoder side.
2- If I send 640x480 resolution frames from Encoder side then I will received cropped 640x360 resolution frames at Decoder side.

So, Issue of cropped frames are still there for other than 720p frames.

Solution I would like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
Solution can be any one:
Sol 1: It will be good if I can get scaled frames instead of cropped frames at Decoder side.
Sol 2: Do not crop or scale, just transmit frames as it is.

Issue can be better understand from following ticket:

Is there any update on this?