Need to get the MMR or "Destination Internal IP Address" for meetings from the API

Hello ,
From the API I need to collect the “Host Data Center” and MMR for meetings for our internal QoS . I found from another post that “Host Data Center” is not possible at this time . but what about the “Destination Internal IP Address” that we can get in the CSV downloaded for a meeting ?
I tried /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/qos but I dont see it there and most of the calls return “‘code’: 3001, ‘message’: 'Meeting does not exist” , is there any other endpoints I can use that I am not aware of ?

Hi @shadi.arbali , we do not return ‘destination internal IP address’ currently across our APIs. Where are you downloading this CSV file from?

Hi Gianni,
I get it from Dashboard → Meetings → past meeting → click on any meeting → download details to csv

what about the “Host Data Center” ? is it available on any endpoint of the API?