Need To Know The Remaining Limits On Meeting Create / Update For A User Per Day

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

  • meetingCreate (post /users/{userId}/meetings)
  • meetingUpdate (patch /meetings/{meetingId})
  • meetingDelete (delete /meetings/{meetingId})

Currently whenever we create a meeting using the Create API , then only we are getting to know the ratelimit of that day in the response headers, for that user

Now, what we want is, is there a way to get the ratelimit of that particular user’s meeting count per day in a separate API ? or everytime, while during create meeting / update meeting API only we will get to know the ratelimit is hit?

I also checked the community, seems like in 2021, its not possible.

Is there any other way, where we can get to know the rate-limits of that particular day for meetings per user, before creation / updation of meeting?

Also, will this 100 request / day applies only to the API or it includes some other meetings which the user has created on the day through zoom app or zoom connected via calendar?

Please let us know

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For our integration, we designed our application so that we store on our side what we want the Zoom meeting schedule to be and then synchronize that against Zoom on demand and periodically. Even if we’re rate limited, we’ll keep trying to synchronize, so we’re not worried about when we’re over quota.

As an estimate, you could keep track on your side of the number of eligible calls per user per UTC day that you make.

The rate limit only applies to API usage. Using the Zoom web site interactively won’t count towards that limit, and isn’t affected if you reach that limit.


Hi @sarathprasath ,

You should be able to see the rate limit headers in the call response.

The problem with this is, I will not know the limit, until I create / update a meeting. But I wanted to know before making the create / update meeting request, on how much limit is left

Also, will the API rate limit, includes the zoom app / website meeting creations or that the zoom app meeting creation is separate?

@MultiplayerSession : Is this for sure?, please let me know

The rate limiting only applies to API calls, not interactive usage of the Zoom web site — we’ve run into this a few times and manually visited the web site to make important adjustments until the API cooldown expired at UTC midnight.

This extreme rate limiting is meant to prevent third-party automation from carelessly damaging Zoom’s business operations (such as an infinite loop flooding the email messages that Zoom sends out for adding webinar panelists or meeting invitations, resulting in end-users flagging them as spam and reducing Zoom’s email deliverability reputation).


Hi @sarathprasath , Christopher Lee is correct. And unfortunately, the only way to confirm how many requests are left is by checking the header response values for the rate limit.

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Thank you @MultiplayerSession & @gianni.zoom

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