No selection for "From Marketplace" in "Adding your app"

Hi @CastingApp, I checked your app, looks like this app is an SDK OAuth app, created before we’ve rolled out the “General App” type, which consolidates all app types into a new build flow. This new build flow shows the tabs for Development and Production; but you still have the same functionality.

For the choice to Add from Marketplace - this may be affected by the app being submitted; those settings look locked while in review.

If you withdraw the app from review, you’ll be able to change the ‘Adding your app’ choice and convert the app to this new “General App” build flow (neither depend on the other). We can then chat with our App Review team, incl. @abe.queen & @kwaku.nyante, about making sure you’re still prioritized in the review queue so this isn’t too much of a disruption.