No Validate button for webhooks URL

I want to enable webhooks for my app (it is a Meetings SDK app). I notice that, as per the docs, I should validate the URL. However, I do not see a “Validate” button on my UI, and it is letting me save changes without this step. This is what I see.

Has this requirement been lifted recently? I could not find anything in the changelogs about it.

In spite of being able to save the changes, I am still not receiving any calls to the endpoint (I am logging incoming requests even before any validation is performed and can see nothing coming in).
I selected and implemented the validation with zoom’s token.
I selected the events

  • Participants/host joined meeting
  • Participants/host left meeting
  • All recordings have completed

And I have the following scopes:

  • meeting:read:participant:admin
  • meeting:update:meeting:admin
  • meeting:delete:meeting:admin
  • meeting:write:meeting:admin
  • meeting:read:participant:master
  • cloud_recording:read:recording:admin
  • cloud_recording:read:recording:master

Update. Turns out I was not receiving the webooks because I had not “added” my app to my account.
Now I am getting them.
So, is the “URL validation” step no longer needed?

Hi @jgarcia , is this a new app or one created before October 23, 2022?

It’s a new app. Created this year

Hi @jgarcia ,

I am actually seeing the same behavior for my new apps as well. Let me inquire a bit further, but please proceed with the rest of your app.