Not able to create user using API

Not able to create user using API

response “{"code":3412,"message":"Your request to add a new Licensed user could not be approved at this time because your account has reached the permitted maximum number of 0 paying users. Please purchase additional licenses or contact the Zoom support team to provision additional users in your account."}” string

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Call api of create user
  2. Its gives the error

Code :


var client = new RestClient(URL);

            var request = new RestRequest();
            request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
            request.Method = Method.POST;
            request.AddHeader("authorization", "Bearer " +ZoomMeetingToken);
            //Create my object
            dynamic UsersDetails = new JObject();
            dynamic UserInfo = new JObject();
            UserInfo.type = "2";
            UserInfo.first_name = ABC;
            UserInfo.last_name = DEF;
            UsersDetails.action = "custCreate";
            JArray UserInfoarray = new JArray();
            UsersDetails.user_info = UserInfoarray;
            string JsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(UsersDetails);
            request.AddParameter("application/json", JsonString, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            var response = client.Execute(request).Content;

This code is working for 2-3 years suddenly its gave error below :

response “{"code":3412,"message":"Your request to add a new Licensed user could not be approved at this time because your account has reached the permitted maximum number of 0 paying users. Please purchase additional licenses or contact the Zoom support team to provision additional users in your account."}” string

Please note that the rest of the API is working fine for existing users ex: Join Meeting, Update Meeting, etc….

Hii @insynctelemedicine ,
I have to purchase Pro Plan Subscription of zoom account to manage and create zoom meetings for my company.

i have query about creating licensed users for my zoom pro account.
after purchase of pro plan , is it required to pay more for creating licensed users to zoom or in pro plan i have creating licensed users for free.

“code”: 3412,
“message”: “Your request to add a new Licensed user could not be approved at this time because your account has reached the permitted maximum number of 1 paying users. Please purchase additional licenses or contact the Zoom support team to provision additional users in your account.”