Not able to find correct scopes

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Get Meeting Recordings API endpoint

Using a server-to-server OAuth Zoom app with account-level access, I’m attempting to retrieve meeting recording data, specifically a meeting’s transcript, via the Get Meeting Recordings API. However, I receive the following error:

“code”: 4711,
“message”: “Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings, cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings:admin].”

I cannot find these scopes for server to server auth. I do see them in user or admin level app.

I see that there is another thread with exact same issue and resolution was adding right permissions.

Can you please tell me what permissions were missing? what access needs to be added so the scopes start to show up for server-to-server oAuth app

Can someone help here?

hi @psharma4
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I am happy to help!
you will have to ask the admin of your account to add recording permissions to your role

So in this case, you will need View the recording content and Recording and transcript management permission enabled to your specific role.

These can be found in the Admin Tab > User Management > Roles > Role Setting > User and Permission management

Let me know if this helps!

Hi there,

I’m the Zoom admin for our organization and I’m having a similar issue when trying to view recordings via the Moodle plugin. The Moodle server returns the following:

Execute scheduled task: Get meeting report from Zoom (mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_reports)
… started 13:26:12. Current memory use 16.3 MB.
Finding meetings between 2024-06-06 to 2024-08-20
checking has_scope(dashboard_meetings:read:admin || dashboard_meetings:read:list_meetings:admin || dashboard_meetings:read:list_webinars:admin)
checking has_scope(report:read:admin || report:read:list_users:admin)
Skipping task - missing OAuth scopes required for reports

So it would seem that I need the following scopes, but cannot find them in the app creator/editor:


It’s possible they’re hiding for me but they don’t turn up in any searches. I have spent a few hours searching. :slight_smile: Please help!


I have the same issue, with a custom app I’m making. I’m an Owner of our account, and believe I have full permission throughout. I even tested this with an Admin role user, with the same result.

View the recording content and Recording and transcript management are both enabled for me, for the entire account scope.

The scope in question for me is cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:master

Hi @dave6
If you do not have a master account license, you should not be trying to use the master account endpoints.
Can you please try using this endpoint :pray:

Hi @dvictor
Make sure that you are using an account level app or the server to server app and that the role that you have, has all settings and permissions enabled

Thanks Elisa,

I am using the server to server app and my role has everything enabled.

It should be noted that the app was working for me until recently and those scopes have “disappeared”. I opened up a support ticket but they pointed me here. Searching has shown that I’m not the only one with this issue, so are you able to assist?

Thank you!

Interesting @dvictor
so your app was working just fine and suddenly started failing because of those missing scopes?
I sent you a DM, please follow up there

@elisa.zoom I’m stepping in for @dvictor as he is away. Could you let me know what your thoughts were?

@karynmart I added you to the DM, please follow up there