Missing scopes for cloud recording API

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Get Meeting Recordings API endpoint

Using a server-to-server OAuth Zoom app with account-level access, I’m attempting to retrieve meeting recording data, specifically a meeting’s transcript, via the Get Meeting Recordings API. However, I receive the following error:

{'code': 4711, 'message': 'Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files, cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin].}

Unfortunately, these scopes aren’t available to my Zoom app. I’ve selected all the available granular scopes, but none of them match the required scopes for this API endpoint. The scopes available in my Zoom app are:

  • cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:admin
  • cloud_recording:read:recording:admin
  • archiving:read:archive_files:admin
  • cloud_recording:read:archive_files:admin

Is there a reason for the mismatch between what’s available for selection in my Zoom app vs what’s required by the API endpoint?


{'code': 4711, 'message': 'Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files, cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin].}

How To Reproduce
*1. Enable the above cloud_recording scopes in a server-to-server OAuth Zoom app
*2. Using that Zoom app, call the Get Meeting Recordings API endpoint
*3. The request will fail with the invalid access token error.

Hi @brian.lim
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Forum!
Are you still having issues finding the “cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin”?
If so, please let me know and I am happy to look further into this

Hi Elisa,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I’m still having issues finding the scopes needed for this API:

  • cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files
  • cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin


Thanks Brian,
I will send you a DM to follow up

To update this thread, the issue was that this user’s role did not have the right permissions enabled.

These permissions can be enabled in the Admin tab > user management > Role > Role settings

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