OAuth failure "{“status”:false,“errorCode”:4700,“errorMessage”:“Invalid redirect url”,“result”:null}"


We integrated zoom with a long process of approval not so long ago. It was working fine. everything was fully test. with multiple subdomains and scenarios. Then all of sudden it stopped two or three days ago. I tried every solution from the zoom community support but could fix the issue. The error I get every time is following.

When I am already signed in to zoom it gives:

Invalid redirect: https://demo.connectlms.com/Lecture/GetAccessToken?lecture=Lecture.1:62 (4,700)

And If I am not signed in it gives:

{“status”:false,“errorCode”:4700,“errorMessage”:“Invalid redirect url”,“result”:null}

The solutions that I have tried:

  1. Remove query parameter from the return URL
  2. removed subdomain from redirect URL
  3. Added subdomain to allow list
  4. Verified Client Id
  5. Cleared Cache
  6. Tried in Incognito Mode

Login to our website using following credentials:
Email: zoom@connectlms.com
Password: lmsZOOM100

Go to any course and go to Lecture section.
Click Start new lecture and give name of lecture.
Click Create.
You’ll see that it will give invalid redirect URL error.

Hi @connectlms ,

Have service engineering look into this on the back end. Please open a support ticket including:

  • account id
  • app credentials page screenshot
  • app credentials url
  • screenshot and url of error page

All the best!

Hi @gianni.zoom ,
I tried to create the ticket and I got following reply.

Hi @connectlms ,

What selections did you make and it did you choose “bug”?

These were exact options that i selected

Hi @connectlms , ah okay this seems unexpected then. Let me check in internally. I’m going to send a private message and can you please send me this info in that message?

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