API Endpoint/s? Share the API endpoint/s you’re working with to help give context.
How To Reproduce 1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials) / Body https://zoom.us/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=rCoNSLhaTySqjcScem2TjQ&redirect_uri=https://pljec.cloud/pljec_zoom/&state=vQCj9pr1k6YTkmGoEUkKi5wADhxjJUieeIAi50R%2Fd%2BY%3D
Hey @Sapiens
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum!
This is interesting.
May I ask you for the name of your app? Also is this app published in the Marketplace?
And in your allow list you have an extra “/”
Could you please remove it and re submit your app for update so the changes will apply to the published app.
Hi @Sapiens
Thanks for sharing more details with me.
I was able to look on our end and it looks like the redirect urls that are in your published app are different from the ones that you are sharing with me. Did you recently add those?? if so, please resubmit for update so this changes will update on our end.
If you have any other questions please send me DM and I can send you a link to my Calendar so we can hope into a Zoom call.