Outgoing Webhook Callback_URL

Zoom Apps Configuration

I am unsure if this is the correct forum to ask this question nor am I sure if the app Outgoing Webhook and/or Incoming Webhook is still supported.

I am using Outgoing Webhook Zoom App from the Marketplace to use trigger words.
I have created a Team Chat channel to play around in and I managed to get Webhook send data to my endpoint when using a trigger word. But when I try to send a response back to the callback_url (and my token is included in Auhtorization header) I get the response “success:“false”” as a reply. There’s very limited documentation on the App page as how the response data should be formatted in json style. If anyone can provide a “working” example structure of it , I’d be satisfied.

Or am I simply better off creating a new chatbot / team chat app and create my own logic for acting on trigger words?

How To Reproduce
Find Documentation of Outgoing Webhook Zoom App on Marketplace. Or simply google for “Using Outgoing Webhook with Zoom”

Install Outgoing Webhook Zoom App from Marketplace, set it up according to documentation, have your endpoint post back a response to the callback_url with provided token and json formatted text.