Participant unable to join without host

Good day everyone.

I am able to create zoom meeting with the api on my node project. However after making series change both on web account and zooom client, participant can’t join without the host. this is a big challenge for me.

this is my current settings and setup:
const payload = {
topic: body.title,
start_time: timeAndDate,
type: 8,
duration: body.duration,
timezone: body.timezone,
agenda: body.description,
recurrence: { type: 1, repeat_interval: 90 },
settings: {
host_video: false,
participant_video: true,
join_before_host: true, // Allow participants to join before the host
approval_type: 2,
audio: true,
allow_multiple_devices: true,
auto_recording: “cloud”,
waiting_room: false,

I will be glad if this is fixed, thank you