Past meetings returning meeting does not exist for complete(aka past) meetings and past meeting participant APIs

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APIs I am having issues with:

Our platform generates zoom meetings on behalf of users using the users/{userid}/meetings API. When creating meetings we set the following relevant values:

  • auto_recording: ‘cloud’
  • calendar_type: 2

Additionally, we include a zoom tracking field so we know exactly what this meeting maps to internally on our platform.

We have had a number of meetings that were created by the platform get successfully created, then completed. When we attempt to get past information on these meetings, we are getting an error: “Meeting does not exist”

We get this meeting when hitting both the /past_meetings/:meetingId and /past_meetings/:meetingId/participants endpoints.

Since we are programmatically creating these meetings using that API above, it shouldn’t be the situation of a ‘personal meeting id’.

Additionally, when we hit the API ‘/meetings/:meetingId’, we see the meeting we created, the tracking field information is not in the response we get back, and the status is in ‘waiting’.

An example meeting id: 91815850498,

@stephen.brewer this is not a valid meeting number.

There are cases where if the meeting is deleted, you will get such errors where it is not a valid meeting number.

Thank you for response @chunsiong.zoom

That is the ID that was provided to us by Zoom when we created the meeting via Zoom. I can confirm this meeting was not deleted and it was completed as expected.

If I query /meetings/91815850498
it returns a 200 with a meeting body that matches what we expected. Here is some of that data that is returned:

“uuid”: “WDZ4HZUJT7iroU4ATFGvPw==”,
“id”: 91815850498,
“host_id”: “b98KpdsEQLSCknTUySAMHg”,
“host_email”: “”,
“assistant_id”: “”,
“topic”: “REDACTED”,
“type”: 2,
“status”: “waiting”,
“start_time”: “2024-07-11T21:23:34Z”,
“duration”: 420,
“timezone”: “America/Chicago”,
“agenda”: “REDACTED”,
“created_at”: “2024-07-11T21:23:34Z”,
“start_url”: “removing url”,
“join_url”: “removing url”,

However, if I use that ID to hit the past meeting APIs we get meeting doesn’t exist.

The reason I am looking into this is we are not getting webhook data for recordings being ready for these meetings so that we can save the recordings after the meeting.

@stephen.brewer I’ve gotten some insights to this.

The meeting number which you have shared was never started.
Although there is a “start_time” field in the original query, that “start_time” is the original scheduled meeting time.

As the meeting was not started, it does not show up as a valid meetingID in the past_meeting API query

Thank You @chunsiong.zoom . You are right, I grabbed a bad meeting ID.

The lingering issue I am struggling to troubleshoot is that we aren’t seeing the tracking fields we added when creating the meeting.

When we create a meeting, we are including the following in the request:
tracking_fields: [
{“field”: “workshopUuid”,
“value”: “aWorkshopsUuidValue”}

When we query the get meeting endpoint or the past meeting endpoints, as well as our webhook data incoming, none of them include these tracking fields.

Should those tracking fields be on that object or is there something about the tracking fields we aren’t aware?

Bumping this again @chunsiong.zoom . Is there anything you can share insight wise or something we can test?

Hi @stephen.brewer
The get past_meeting endpoint does not include the tracking fields in the response.
But you could use the Get meeting detail report endpoint if you are trying to get tracking_fields back in your response body