Phone API Call Handling Settings Isn't Returning Call Queue Voicemail Info

Format Your New Topic as Follows:

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s){extensionId}/call_handling/settings

Attempting to retrieve the voicemail_greeting object (under holiday_hours.settings.routing or holiday_hours.settings.routing.forward_to
for a Call Queue that has holiday routing set of “Route to Voicemail” / “Leave Voicemail to Current Extension”.

While this node populate correctly for Auto Receptionists, they do not appear to be populating for Call Queues. (node is not present in the response)

The documentation appears to indicate that it should:
Zoom Phone API (

None - Response contains all the other information about call handling for the queue, just this piece of information is not contained.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Server to Server creds with access granted to appropriate scope

Hi @Greg512
Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry for the late reply here!
Can you please confirm if you are still experiencing this issue? were you able to resolve this? If not, please let me know and I will be happy to take a closer look

Confirming, still experiencing this issue and have not been able to resolve.