Selecting Voicemail Greeting Holiday

I’m struggling with the exact same thing. The developers DEFINITELY need to “fix” the documentation or at least provide an example, because the docuemented routes don’t seem to be working.

Another user raised the identical issue here: Need to change the voicemail greeting for a group of holidays

I think it could be the API itself is broken. If you look at the documentation and try to do the GET on these setting, voicemail_greeting is not even returned on call queues despite the documentation ( Zoom Phone API) suggesting it should be. They stopped responding to my post about it so I’m at a loss: Phone API Call Handling Settings Isn’t Returning Call Queue Voicemail Info - Phone - Zoom Developer Forum

If you or anyone is still having trouble getting the actual update of holiday routing, the documentation is HORRIBLE, but the below seems to work consistently (except for the setting of the greeting).

        "sub_setting_type": "call_handling",
        "settings": {
            "holiday_id": "yourHolidaysId",
            "call_not_answer_action": 1,
            "connect_to_operator": false,
            "forward_to_extension_id": "yourExtensionId",
            "voicemail_greeting_id": "yourVoicemailGreetingId"

@gianni.zoom @elisa.zoom are either of y’all actually able to update a call queue’s greeting with patch? (this api: Update a call handling setting)