data in webhooks events for PMI(type 4 meetings) is different to identify a meeting
for PMI(type 4) meetings, the uuid and meetingId is different in meeting create event from meeting meeting start/end events. Through webhooks there is no possible way to map that meeting create and meeting start are related to same meeting. Since uuid and automatic meetingId and meeting type as 2 are sent in create event while in start event data, another uuid along with personal meetingId and type as 4 is being sent.
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
the app ia user based Oauth app
Which Endpoint/s?
the issue is from webhooks data for type 4 meetings(create over start/end)
How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
configure an zoom app, and subscribe for zoom events
create personal meeting and verify data of create and start/end events
To make sure we’re on the same page, can I kindly ask that you provide a screenshot or a copy of each of the JSON payloads that contain the meeting IDs and UUIDs in question? This will help me to take a closer look!
meeting created event has different uuid, unique meetingId and topic given by us but, the started events(rest of other events apart from updated) have personal meetingId, default topic name and different uuid. It is difficult to map the events for a particular pmi meeting.
Thanks so much for clarifying—I think we’re on the same page now.
To clarify, when a meeting is created, that meeting is assigned a UUID, which is a different UUID than what you’ll see for a meeting that has occurred (meeting started and ended).
The common identifier between these meetings (scheduled vs occurred) is the Meeting ID, which is what I would recommend to map the meeting back to the original scheduled meeting. I hope this helps to clear some of this up.
I would also recommend reading through this post, which covers this in a bit more detail:
Hi Will, Meeting ID is not the common identifier in PMI(type 4 meetings) nor the UUID is the problem here. If you see in the screenshot , only the create and update events have same meetingId(which is unique one). The rest of the events (start, shared, end and other related to the meeting) have personal meetingId and different UUID (compared to create event) and also topic name is different.
It is difficult to track for different PMI meeting events uniquely. THIS IS ISSUE WITH PERSONAL MEETINGS(type 4).
My suggestion is, you can maintain same UUID in events(webhooks data sent) throughout the meeting(start to delete) or send along the meetingId sent in the create event data as secondary Id along with personal meetingId sent in rest of the events data(webhooks).
If I am getting it wrong, Please point me in right direction.
Thank you for clarifying, and apologies for any misunderstanding.
At the moment, you’re correct in that when a personal meeting is created using personal meeting ID, a unique meeting ID is also created as seen in the create meeting response. However, in the webhooks it will show your personal meeting ID.
Your suggestion to include a secondary ID along with the personal meeting ID is a great idea, but is not how this currently functions.
I’m happy to raise this internally, as I can definitely appreciate how it would be helpful to have something like a secodary ID in the webhook data. If you’re so inclined, you’re also welcome to suggest this in our #feature-requests channel.