Undocumented Meeting Type 4

I’ve just had the pleasure of spending 2 hours finding that there is an undocumented meeting type.

    "event": "meeting.started",
    "payload": {
        "account_id": "SG7cyaTzRoqSEyRnb4Djeg",
        "object": {
            "duration": 0,
            "start_time": "2019-10-30T17:17:07Z",
            "timezone": "Europe/Sofia",
            "topic": "xxx",
            "id": "xxx",
            "type": 4,
            "uuid": "ZKLcMmZ5RYitkdDs/H6FGg==",
            "host_id": "_jneLUhhQTmF09bdksDaiQ"

This is not documented anywhere as far as I can see: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/webhook-reference/meeting-events/meeting-created

It appears to be created from a PMI. What’s special about this type and how should we handle it compared to say an instant meeting?

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Hey @jimig, apologies for the time wasted.

Yes type 4 is a meeting using your personal meeting id. You can only use type 4 meeting via the web portal or client. Type 4 is when an instant meeting or scheduled meeting is using the PMI (Personal Meeting ID).

Here are the full list of meeting / webinar types:

1 Instant Meeting

2 Scheduled Meeting

3 Recurring Meeting with no fixed time

4 Meeting using Personal Meeting ID

5 Webinar

6 Recurring Webinar with no fixed time

8 Recurring Meeting with fixed time

9 Recurring Webinar with fixed time

We will update our docs to make this more clear.


Thanks @tommy, appreciated! I have to ask, where is meeting type 7?

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Good question, Meeting type 7 is PAC Personal Audio Conference.

Here are the details:

Updating with more details regarding use_pmi and meeting type:

If a meeting is created with type 2 (scheduled), but with “use_pmi” option set to true, the meeting.created webhook will show type as 2. However when the host starts the meeting, the meeting.started webhook will show meeting type as 4 (because the use_pmi option was enabled).



This page could use an update then as it does not document meeting types 4 & 7 in the potential types for the recording.complete webhook response:

I can confirm we get all 9 types coming through our app and that webhook.

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Thanks @zoom-test, for bringing this up.

@shrijana.g, can you please update this doc with the respective meeting types as mentioned above.


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@tommy Thanks for letting me know! Added.