Problems with past_meetings resource

We are using past_meetings resource for get the email of participants that was in a specific meeting. But we are getting inconsistences with the result of participants. Some meetings have a response with an empty array of participants, but when we compare the result with the /metrics/meetings resource the meeting have a number of participants different to the result of past_meetings.

The past_meetings results don’t response the number of participants.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context

Hi @produccion.cit, can you Direct Message me some of these affected UUIDs?

We have had reports of delayed logging, are the participants still listed as empty?

Just wanted to post, that I am also experiencing the same issue. @michael.zoom I can direct IM you a UUID as an example. Is this being actively looked at?

Hey @andrewb,

Please email with the details.
