Pulling specific user based on email

Need insight on zoom join URL for single (non recurring meetings/webinar). Would the URL always be formatted like this:

used case:
I need to pull the meeting ID only from the Join URL so can I use this extraction formula:
LEFT( PARSE( ZoomMeetingWebinarURL ,5 , “/”), 11 ).

I am doing 11 as that’s the number of character in the type of meeting/webinars i will be working with.

My doubt is that would this formula always get me the 11 digit ID with out any miss for our potential clients. The join URL would always be formatted this (4 “/” before the meeting ID shows up).

Thank & Regards,

Hi @vjetha, yes this is the consistent pattern for join URLs. The meeting ID will follow a /j/ in the path and could be between 9 to 11 digit, followed by query parameters or /start. /j/ could also be replaced with /wc/ to join/start via web.

Please note that while we currently have no plans to change this, we are undergoing a comprehensive security review and cannot make a commitment that this url pattern will never change. In that event, substantial notice will be given.