Q&A Component rerender when a new question is submitted changes browser focus, wiping out questions being typed

When multiple attendees are typing questions, questions being submitted re-renders the Q&A component, switching the browser focus from the question text input element to the newly submitted question and wiping out any text that any other attendees may have entered in the text input element.

If the browser loses focus (e.g. attendee partially types question, then ALT-TABs out of the browser window) and another attendee submits a question, the partially typed question in the input text element is not lost.

We’ve reproduced this error in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Chromium Edge. I’m not observing any error messages in the developer tools console.

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up a webinar. Make sure that “Allow Attendee to view all questions” is selected. Our users want to be able to see and upvote the questions being submitted.
  2. Join a webinar as 2 separate attendees on separate computers (so you don’t lose browser focus by typing in another window). You can observe this behavior on both the local and CDN hosted versions of the web SDK.
  3. Have attendee 1 partially type a question in the Q&A box, but do not submit it. Keep attendee 1’s browser focus in the Q&A text input.
  4. Have attendee 2 type and submit a question in the Q&A text input.
  5. Attendee 1’s browser focus should automatically shift to the newly submitted question from attendee 2, wiping out their text in the Q&A text input.

Hope this info helps, let me know if you need any other information.

EDIT: adding recording of bug: Topic:
Meeting Recording:

Hey @ddelosangeles,

Thanks for sharing this bug. I have notified our Web SDK engineers and will keep you updated on the fix. (CS-2208)


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Hey Tommy, thanks for the quick response.

Is there any information as to a timeline for a bug fix? We need to get an update to our exec team and this is the one item that determines if we continue as planned.

Hey @ddelosangeles,

We currently do not have an exact timeline. I will update you on which version this will be fixed in once I know.


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