Zoom Web SDK cannot close/go back after open the asking question box

The buttons do not appear for the Q&A session in a webinar.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
Open a webniar and join via the web browser, open the Q&A box

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a webinar
  2. Join the webinar via a web browser
  3. Open the Q&A box (ask host/panelists question)
  4. Cannot close or go back

I cannot attach the screen shot, it prompts I cannot embed media items in a post

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: mobile

Hi @nelson.chow ,

Can you please create a ticket with this information, screen shots/video and meeting info?

Thank you,

I am not sure for the option of about, so I just choose “onzoom”.

Here is the link of the ticket.

Okay great, someone will assist you!

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