Rate Limits Question when calls are Paginated

Does each paginated call with next page token for same meeting QoS count towards rate limits?

Specifically this one -https://api.zoom.us/v2/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants/{participantId}/qos

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

Hi @vaibhavsaher , yes it does. Subsequent requests to specific pages are counted as a different response. You can read more about pagination here:


Let me know if this helps!

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Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you.

Is there a way for me to force my developer account to emulate daily rate limits reached condition, I am asking this to test without limiting my account to forever low API call limits.

Thank you again.

Hi @gianni.zoom

Is there way I can request to lower the API rate limits for my test account for testing and revert them back once done?

Thank you,

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