React Zoom VideoSDK : Dependent assets are not accessible

I deployed the React Zoom Video SDK on AWS Amplify but when I tried accessing a meeting, I got an error.

caught (in promise) {type: 'INVALID_PARAMETERS', reason: 'dependent assets are not accessible'}

Below is the code snippet where the zoom client was instantiated

await zmClient.init('en-US', `${window.location.origin}/lib`, {
      enforceMultipleVideos: galleryViewWithoutSAB,
      stayAwake: true

Note: This currently works fine on my local machine.

Which Web Video SDK version?
Version 1.7.0

Unfortunately, I cannot embed images in my posts.

Hey @chidi

Thanks for your feedback.

Could you access this link?


If not, could you help check the deployment of assets as you were using the private-served assets?


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