Receiving duplicate entries per event from the webhook configured

Zoom API Events

Each instance of the above events is delivered as below,

  1. Zoom Phone (Direct Number): 2 times to our webhooks endpoint within a span of ~ 10 milliseconds
  2. Call Queue: No of times are equally proportional to the number of users added to the queue within a span of ~10 milliseconds approximately

While debugging this we have already verified the following from the Zoom API docs and Zoom Developer Forum,

  1. These are not retried requests for failed webhook delivery. (retries happen after 5 minutes at least according to the docs). Also, we are sending 200 OK acknowledgements to all received events under 3 seconds (as stated in the zoom API documentation)
  2. We verified that the same webhook endpoint is not added twice in the App Subscriptions setting


How To Reproduce

Hi @elisa.zoom ,

Need your attention on this matter!

Please let me know if you need any further detail(s)

This is top priority for our business needs and it’s currently blocking to proceed further


Hi @vkothakota
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Am I understanding correctly that you are getting duplicate entries for both events?


Could you please confirm that you have only one app working? what I mean by this is that if you have a production app and a separate app for testing, and if you are using the same endpoint in both of them, this could be the reason why you are getting the duplicate entrie