Recommendation for Account Configurations for SaaS app (for Zoom Meetings)

I have a simple appointments-booking app for professionals. Each professional will register for an account with us using their email and their clients can then book appointments with them.

My understanding so far is that if I use my Pro account, I can create sub-accounts via API for each of these professionals. Meetings can then booked for each of these, with their respective clients (again via API).

Simple JWT based access to API seems workable to achieve this, however, I seek a confirmation regarding this.

Is the use of a Basic/Pro account sufficient or should I consider some other setup? ISV partnership? What are the limits I should be aware of?


Hey @kahuja,

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Use JWT to create users for your professional and then create meetings. (yes, you can do this with pro account.)

  2. Use OAuth to have the professionals use their existing Zoom accounts, then create meetings on their behalf. No user creation needed on your end.


Thanks, Tommy. I have the jwt method already set and I am almost through the Oauth prototype. Can you clarity the purpose of having sub-accounts and sub-users?

If the Professional does not have a Zoom user account, I can create it anew (but it will be my sub-user, right?). I can then create meetings using my account’s token, however, what happens if the Professional already has a Zoom account? I can’t use my token to create meetings for them (unless I run them oauth). And if I pull them as a sub-account / sub-user, then in addition to the fact that this will complicate the process for Professionals who might be reluctant to moving “under” my services (this requires user’s confirmation, right?), there is another aspect: the risk of downgraded accounts in case the existent account is on a higher plan.

At this point, I need to have a clear and less ambiguous workflow for users. Which one these two is better suited?

Hey @kahuja,

If the user does not have a Zoom account, don’t create one for them. They can create one during the OAuth flow.

Here are details on the account structure:
