Record Audio using Zoom WebSDK

Is there any way to access and save the audio stream ,coming into the Web SDK, to a file? I want to record multiple streams even when record option is disabled by host. Can I retrieve the audio blob going to the web browser for playing the audio or something like that? Eg. Like which can record meetings’ audio even without record option. How to go about doing this?

Hey @gautamsharma2590,

Currently the only supported way to do this is with Cloud Recording.


Hello @gautamsharma2590

I tried and I want to do the same feature - join meeting by meeting url and record meeting
Do you know how to achieve it?

Thank you!

Hey @simon.andrei879,

Currently the only supported way to do this is with Cloud Recording.


Hi @tommy,

Can you please let us know when we get release for support local recording?

Thank you!

Hey @vinayak.katwe,

You can stay updated on our releases here:


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