Recording completed event gives wrong caption (CC) download URL

I am trying to download MP4 and CC files that are given in the “All Recordings Completed” event.

The MP4 download URL looks like this:[REDACTED]Fi/98[REDACTED]hg

The CC download URL looks like this:[REDACTED]Fi&type=cc/98[REDACTED]hg

Notice, the CC download URL has the extra “/98[REDACTED]hg” at the end of the URL when it shouldn’t be there. This makes the query parameter “type=cc/98[REDACTED]hg” when it should just be “type=cc.”

This CC URL returns a 200 HTTP response code, but gives no data. Removing “/98[REDACTED]hg” from the URL returns the correct CC file.

Also, after cleaning up the URL, I can download it in a browser while logged in, but when I try to use that URL with the authorization header, it still returns a 200 HTTP response code with no data.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
OAuth Event Subscription

Hey @e399,

Thanks for your bug report. We will investigate this and get back to you. :slight_smile: (ZOOM-164861)


Hey @e399,

In order for us to investigate further, we need the full recording url. Can you please email it and a link to this thread to ?


Hey @e399,

Are you still having this issue?


Yes, I’m still having this issue. I have exchanged several emails with support and the issue was escalated last I heard (July 9).

I was planning on asking if there were updates today, so this is good timing on your part.

Hey @e399,

Can you share another sample closed caption url with this issue? Feel free to share it here if it is just a test meeting. (ZOOM-164861)


I made a new recording and emailed the bad CC download link in the existing email chain (I do not want to share it here).

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Thanks @e399, we will get to you shortly.


This is still an issue, any updates @tommy?

Hi @e399,

Our team is still working on this—I’ve just followed up with them and hope to have an update for you shortly.


Hey @e399,

We have found the bug, and are working to fix it asap. I will update you once it is fixed. :slight_smile:


Hey @e399,

This is currently scheduled to be fixed in our December release. :slight_smile:


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Hey @e399,

This has been pushed to our January release. I will notify when it is fixed. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update. Let me know if you need me to test anything.

Thanks for your patience, @e399!

Hey @e399,

This should be fixed sometime this month! :slight_smile:


I can confirm, this is fixed now. Thanks for your help!

Awesome, glad we could help, @e399! Thanks again for raising this with us.