Recording Model


I have developed an application using Angular 17 and Zoom VideoSDK. Users join the session with our Android or Ios app. And our assistants joins the call via Angular web app. We’re recording the calls with cloud recording option.

In the recordings, video shows active speaker. The active speaker’s video is coming up. The other participant’s video is not visible. Actually, we want only the non-host user to be visible, or both can be visible. But right now, when our assistant speaks, his/her username covers the entire screen and is overlaid on the user’s video. How can we prevent this?

Below is a screenshot of my recording settings:

There are only two participants in my calls. When I check my cloud recordings, I see only the active speaker. I need both participants to be visible in the recording, side by side.

Is that possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

What I’m seeing on this page → Video SDK - web - Cloud recording

is you can record with the following options:

  • Record active speaker with shared screen
  • Record gallery view with shared screen
  • Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately

I however cannot seem to locate where you would indicate that to the RecordingClient.