Redirect url-> dev

Hi, i want to published my app but when i post my first review i have a note like this:
Redirection URL [Dev]

Upon successful OAuth, the user is redirected to the OAuth_redirect_uri with the authorization code via the code query parameter. Marketplace has an added security measure to ensure that these authorization codes are only redirected to the pre-approved endpoints present under the OAuth Allow List. localhost Included in the list of allowlisted domains. Please only use FQDNs and delete any localhost URLs Refrain from using localhost addresses for the Dev Environment. Currently, the Development OAuth Redirect URL is: XXX Once this is changed to an FQDN, please add this URL as one of the OAuth Allow List URLs and delete the current localhost URL from the OAuth Allow List.

so after this message i remove in the allow list url the localhost and replace with free ngrock secure url

but i receive another message: Please provide a FQDN for your dev redirect rather than an ngrok?

So my question is: Can i use free ngrock url for the dev part? Do i need a paid static nrock url… because in fact we use localhost or ngrock depend on what we test…
thanks for your help!!!

Hello @steve.d.toutant No, you cannot use a Localhost address only FQDN and you can only use paid Ngrok Addresses because of how frequently they have to change.

Regards, Kwaku

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