Registered Meetings Feature

Hi, I’m using the Zoom SDK v5.5.12511.0422 C# Wrapper and I need to Join a registration required based Meeting, does the SDK support this feature? If it do support it, wich is the correct way of using the TK and PDW parameters in the JoinParam4WithoutLogin param? In my develop the user must join the meeting using the WithOutLogin feature.

Hey @daniel.orozco,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Yes the SDK supports this feature. You would need to obtain a token for that user to be able to join a registration required meeting.


Hi Michael,

I try to join a meeting configured: registration enabled with a generic ZOOM google based account user (not added to the main account), to generate its access token can I do it through JWT or should it be OAuth? is there any way to generate
the join ZAK param through the TK or PWD obtained in the registry to the meeting?

Hey @daniel.orozco,

The SDK does not currently support single-sign-on using Google accounts. To perform meeting actions on an account that is not under your account you will need to create an OAuth app.


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