Remove Record Tab from MEETINGCOMPONENT_SETTING panel When recording disabled for meeting


When feedback to zoom is disabled for the meeting then we do not see feedback tab in MEETINGCOMPONENT_SETTING panel, but when record local and cloud meeting is disabled, then we do see record tab in MEETINGCOMPONENT_SETTING panel. When record feature is disabled then record setting tab should be removed.

PFA the screenshot of meeting with record feature disabled but record tab is seen in setting window panel.

Hi Anubhav,

may I know How do you disable recording? I disabled on web and works fine on the Mac SDK.


In the “Account Settings” the local and automatic recording is disabled. 

PFA the screenshot for your reference.

Disabling the recording in the above way, we do not see record button inside the meeting window. But in the MEETINGCOMPONENT_SETTING panel, then we do see record tab in MEETINGCOMPONENT_SETTING panel.

We using the following code to open meeting setting component:

ZoomSDKMeetingService* meetingService = [[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] getMeetingService]; 
ZoomSDKMeetingUIController* controller = [meetingService getMeetingUIController]; 
ZoomSDKError err = [controller showMeetingComponent:MeetingComponent_Setting window:nil show:YES InPanel:YES frame:NSZeroRect];

Hi Anubhav,

After I disabled Recording on, then I opened meeting setting, I am not able to see recording tab.