removeVirtualBackgroundItem has no effect

Zoom SDK Version: 1.11.10
Artifacts used:

  • us.zoom.videosdk:zoomvideosdk-core
  • us.zoom.videosdk:zoomvideosdk-videoeffects

Hi folks, I try to set a virtual background (blur) and then remove it using removeVirtualBackgroundItem, but this code seems to have no effect and blur is still there after calling it.

Setting the blur:

val blur = virtualBackgroundHelper
    .first { it.type == ZoomVideoSDKVirtualBackgroundDataType_Blur }

Removing blur:


I also tried:

val blur = virtualBackgroundHelper
    .first { it.type == ZoomVideoSDKVirtualBackgroundDataType_Blur }

But none of them are working as expected. Eventually I went with something that looks a bit like a hack:

val noBackground = virtualBackgroundHelper
    .first { it.type == ZoomVideoSDKVirtualBackgroundDataType_None }

This seems like a bug, but if it’s not please extend the documentation with intended usage of these methods.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve also encountered this on 1.12.0

Is there a chance this will be picked up?

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