The virtual background doesn't work on preview (@zoom/videosdk: 1.11.6)

@zoom/videosdk: 1.11.6 - the virtual background doesn’t work on preview
@zoom/videosdk: 1.11.0 - the virtual background works great on preview


enforceVirtualBackground: true 
SharedArrayBuffer is disabled 
await zmClient.init("en-US", `${window.location.origin}/lib`, {
   webEndpoint: window?.webEndpoint ?? "",
   stayAwake: true,
   patchJsMedia: true,
   leaveOnPageUnload: true,
   enforceVirtualBackground: true,
const handlerStartVB = useCallback(async (imageUrl) => {
   if (!localVideo || !isStartedVideo) return false;

   await localVideo.stop();
   await localVideo.start(videoCanvasRef.current, { imageUrl });

   return true;
}, [localVideo, isStartedVideo]);

const handlerUpdateVB = useCallback(async (imageUrl) => {
   if (!localVideo || !isStartedVideo) return false;

    await localVideo.updateVirtualBackground(imageUrl);
   return true;
}, [localVideo, isStartedVideo]);

The support team’s help is needed here

Hey @sergey77

Thanks for your feedback.

We have found the issue and will fix it in the next version.


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