Request, again, for a clean OpenAPI specification file

Is there any progress on cleaning up the published OpenAPI specification for the Zoom API? I am continuing to see the following problem when attempting to use the Zoom API version 2.0.0 in Swagger Editor.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Download the Zoom API specification from
  2. Open the online Swagger Editor at .
  3. Clear the default text from the editor using File-> Clear Editor.
  4. Load the Zoom API specification by using File-> Import file. Browse to the file you downloaded, then press Open.
  5. The file loads in the editor. (it may take several minutes to parse the file.)


After parsing, the following errors are displayed:
Structural error at paths./accounts/{accountId}/settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 4522
Structural error at paths./accounts/{accountId}/settings.patch.parameters.1.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 5996
Structural error at paths./accounts/{accountId}/plans/
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 8877
Structural error at paths./users/{userId}/settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 28833
Structural error at paths./users/{userId}/settings.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 29879
Structural error at paths./groups/{groupId}/settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 39895
Structural error at paths./groups/{groupId}/settings.patch.parameters.1.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 40839
Structural error at paths./groups/{groupId}/lock_settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 41623
Structural error at paths./groups/{groupId}/lock_settings.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 42288
Structural error at paths./accounts/{accountId}/lock_settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 42921
Structural error at paths./accounts/{accountId}/lock_settings.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 43569
Structural error at paths./rooms/account_settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 45191
Structural error at paths./rooms/account_settings.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 45706
Structural error at paths./rooms/locations/{locationId}/settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 46658
Structural error at paths./rooms/locations/{locationId}/settings.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 47244
Structural error at paths./rooms/{roomId}/settings.get.responses.200.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 48150
Structural error at paths./rooms/{roomId}/settings.patch.parameters.1.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 48701
Structural error at paths./rooms/events.patch.parameters.0.schema
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 57653
Semantic error at paths./metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/
Path parameter “meetingId” must have the corresponding {meetingId} segment in the “/metrics/webinars/{webinarId}/participants/satisfaction” path
Jump to line 58563
Structural error at definitions.AccountSettingsAuthenticationUpdate
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 78112
Structural error at definitions.AccountSettingsAuthentication
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 78289
Structural error at definitions.GroupUserSettingsAuthenticationUpdate
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 78355
Structural error at definitions.GroupUserSettingsAuthentication
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 78426
Structural error at definitions.authenticationusersettings
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: oneOf
Jump to line 78542
Semantic error at tags.0
Tag Objects must have unique name field values.
Jump to line 78902

This is an ongoing problem and it seems I’m not alone in the pain caused by this nonconformant spec.Many of us NEED this spec to be correct so we can generate clients in our languages of choice. For example:

I’m at a 4,000-person school that has just me and another guy to support all our educational technologies, including Zoom. We’ve been just a little busy supporting everyone given our 38X increase in Zoom usage over the past year due to Covid. Our IT guys also rolled out Teams and I am fighting a daily battle so Zoom can defeat that platform. To win this, I need to automate stuff but I can’t because this file is nonconformant. I am losing the war.

I need someone at Zoom to have my back and fix this spec.


Hey @sendres,

Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention and for providing detailed steps to reproduce the issue. I attempted to reproduce this issue but I wasn’t able to see those same errors.

Are there any steps I need to take after importing the specification in order to see those errors? Likewise, are you able to send a screenshot of where you’re seeing them?


Hi @MaxM,

The only step I needed was patience. The Swagger editor seems to run JavaScript in the browser. With a large API file such as yours, it can take several minutes for it to finish parsing the file. I noted this in step 5 of my process.

On my machine, after a few minutes, my browser prompts me every 30 seconds or so to see if I want to keep waiting for the process to finish.

Can you try that and report back?

1 Like

Hey @sendres,

Thank you for the update. It looks like I was using a link to an older spec that was an magnitude of order smaller than what was linked by you. After using your link directly, I was able to see these same issues.

I’ve since reached out to an internal team to have this matter addressed. As soon as I hear back from them, I’ll be sure to update you here. (DEVELOPERS-1021)


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