REST API Updates; Upcoming Release

Our REST APIs March update includes the following with new features and updates for our users. The updates are as follows:

- Display the logs of last 100 API calls**.**
We have added a feature where our API users can now view their API call logs; the log consists of the last 100 API calls made by the account. Also, the log includes timestamps which can be used to verify when the calls were made.

- Display the logs of push notifications**.**
We have added a feature where our API users can now view their push notifications logs along with timestamps which can be used to verify when the calls were made.

- “v1/user/deactivate” API
Admin users can now deactivate sub-accounts/users under their account through an API call.


- H323 devices management through API
Users can now add, update, list or delete using “v1/h323/device/add”, "v1/h323/device/update"I, “v1/h323/device/delete”, “v1/h323/device/list” API calls.

- “enable_attention_tracking” , “enable_use_pmi” and “enable_waiting_room” parameters to User API.
We’ve updated the User APIs to allow users’ attention tracking, using personal meeting IDs for instant meetings and waiting rooms to be enabled for users through API calls to AutoCreate/CustCreate/Update API .

- API to access sub-accounts’ API key/pair.
Master Accounts can now fetch sub-account API key/pair through /v1/ma/account/get API call.

- “enable_phone_participants_password” to User Create/AutoCreate/CustCreate/Update API
Requiring password for participants joining by phone can now be enabled through an API call.

The following APIs have been fixed:

- /v1/report/getuserreport API
We have fixed the user reporting API; previously, we received reports about the report              returning and empty ‘participants’ array. This is now fixed for all and you should receive the correct result in the response.

- User Update API
We received reports about a handful of users being unable to update users’ name, this is now fixed and correct functionality should be restored for all.

- /v1/report/getaudioreport API
We received reports about a handful of users identifying discrepancies between the UI reports and the API reports, this is now fixed and correct report should be reflected for all.

Hi  do  you have understanding  when  this  vershion  could  be  released ?