SCIM: JumpCloud-Zoom Connector Instructions

We have a Business Level Zoom Account with Business level sub-accounts. We phoned support and they said we would need to post in this forum to get support for setting up our SSO with SCIM.

I am attempting to setup JumpCloud as the IdP for SSO to handle Identity Management of Zoom as an SP via SCIM. I have already created a JIT SSO SAML connector that is working according to specifications.

I am the Admin. I have tried this on the Owner account and an Admin account with all settings checked off to enable the Admin account to have maximum authority.

I am getting the following error message on a blank landing page after attempting the instructions below:

------beginning of message

{“message”:“Unauthorized: user not authenticated”}

------end of message

Here are the instructions I mentioned:

Zoom Developer Guides
Create an OAuth App
(your posting tool won’t allow links)

JumpCloud SSO
Configuring the Identity Management Integration (scroll to this heading)
(your posting tool won’t allow links)

I believe I just need to be able to add the app in order to use the Client ID and Secret to accomplish the SCIM connection.

Can you please explain why our admin and owner accounts are not able to complete this step and offer a solution as to how we may proceed?

Is anyone from Zoom tracking our issue?

We were directed here by support 24 hours ago. Here is our ticket number: TS1287872

Please let us know if this isn’t the right place to get our issue resolved so we may notify support.


This is a support issue, this is the forum they are 2 totally different platforms please respond to your ticket for them to provide updates SSO related issues are not fixed on the forum we deal with developer support related issues.

Regards, Kwaku

According to Zoom, this is a developer support issue because we are unable to create the app for the Zoom Developers marketplace that is required for this integration.

I will respond to the ticket and attach this link.

Can someone from Zoom please respond and confirm @kwaku.nyante 's position so we can provide proof to Zoom they sent us on a wild goose chase over here?


Hello @crayzbrian I can confirm my position I am on the Marketplace Operations Team you can check my LinkedIn to confirm my position too.

I reached out to the support team and it was made clear that you were directed to the dev forum because your account does not have Premier developer support which is fine I do understand it now. But looking through the issue it looks like you need to contact Jumpcloud for support about this because it seems the instructions are outdated given the fact the app type you have to create does not exist anymore and I am pretty sure you need to create a server 2 server app for this to work. If there is anything required from Zoom please feel free to reach out.

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