Scope meeting_summary:read:admin doesn't show up on the Developer App section

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I’m trying to use the endpoint to list all meeting summaries but the scope doesn’t show up as an option on my App Scopes inside the developer platform from Zoom, then, every time I try the request, I get an error. How can I enable the scope on the App platform?

Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[meeting_summary:read:admin].

Hi @danielolarte can you confirm that you have this setting enabled in your account?

Hi @ojus.zoom

Yes, I have it enabled.

Does anyone have any further information on why we can’t use it? Thank you.

@danielolarte i am investigating on this for you. At the moment even I am not able to access the scope. Appreciate the patience

@danielolarte Apologies for the inconvenience here. The scopes were not deployed. We are deploying the scopes this week. I will update here when the scopes are deployed. Appreciate your patience

@ojus.zoom Perfect. I look forward to the deployment, please, let me know when it’s ready. Thank you.

Hey @ojus.zoom, it looks like meeting_summary scopes are available for selection as of this morning in our account (they were not present yesterday). However, when we make a POST call to (even after updating the scopes required for our internal app in the Zoom Marketplace), the returned token does not include the relevant meeting_summary changes. Is this because some deployment to Zoom’s API token authorization server is still pending the meeting_summary scope additions? Thanks!

I am also having this problem. I have enabled the scope on my application and if I look at the preview URL of the test application it is listed but it does not come back on the token call and requests to use the new API fail with code 4700, Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [meeting_summary:read:admin, meeting_summary:read].

This is precisely the anomaly we’ve been up against. And based on our setup and troubleshooting, @rnigro’s last comment seems to point at a highly likely scenario. We sure are interested in building an integration against this endpoint, once the included scope is evident through a generated Access Token.

Hi @rnigro @abhishek-coda @aaron.shock as my colleague Ojus mentioned, we are looking into this issue, I will bring you an update as soon as we have more information

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Perfect, thank you @elisa.zoom @ojus.zoom, looking forward to your update.

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