Scopes not included error when trying to fetch recordings

I am trying to read recordings from my account via OAuth App. But Getting following error when trying to fetch my recordings. I do have included recording:read and write scopes… but these seems different scopes. How can I include these?

"code": 4700,
"message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [zms:recording:read, recording:write:admin, zms:recording:write, recording:read:admin]."

I am using /users/{userId}/recordings API to get recordings but getting this error. I checked scopes but these kind of scopes doesn’t exist at all in scope selection section.

Please help me resolve this.

Hi @jay this app will likely need to be changed to an Account-level app to include admin-level scopes to the app. The user who installs the app will also need to have the required account permissions to be able to install it.